The 4th edition of the summer school on "Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured media: Development, Protection, Management and Sequestration of Subsurface Fluids" has took place at the CNRS center in Cargèse ( from June 25th 2018 to July 7th 2018. The school is funded by CNRS (, the University of Rennes 1 (, the European Geosciences Union ( and the european training network ITN ENIGMA (
All presentations held during the Summer School are available on the dedicated YouTube Channel:
The objectives of the Cargèse summer school are to provide participants with a high level interdisciplinary training on the fundamental processes and recent theoretical and methodological advances that have emerged in the study of flow, transport and biogeochemical processes in the subsurface.
During this edition, we have explored in detail the role of these processes within the Critical Zone, in collaboration with OZCAR (the French network of Critical Zone Observatories) and the equipex project CRITEX ( We also presented the state of the art in actual applications, including global water management, ecohydrology, geothermal energy, CO2 storage, induced sismicity, sea water intrusion, underground remediation, risk assesment for nuclear waste storage and shale gas exploitation.
The school has been specifically designed to provide participants with a common background on the fundamental concepts before attending cutting-edge research seminars. Each day, the program included 2 lectures focusing on fundamental processes (1 hour each) and 3 research seminars presenting recent advances on frontier research (45 minutes each). Hands-on were also organized on i) numerical methods, ii) laboratory imaging, and iii) innovative field sensing and monitoring in hydrogeophysics.
The outstanding environment of the Cargèse summer school favors informal interactions between participants and lecturers. All attendees had the opportunity to present their current work during poster and PICO sessions.
The school gathered about one hundred participants, lecturers, and organizers from diverse communities such as hydrology, physics, geophysics, geoengineering, geochemistry and microbiology.
Inscription fees including board and lodging (breakfast, lunch and coffee) were on the order of: 1 150€ (1 450€ for late payments)
You can now submit your application file on the page : "Submit your application" until March 1st, 2018.
The detailed program of the school were made available early March 2018.
Your sincerely,
The Organizing Committee.
P. S.: The previous editions of the Cargèse Summer School on "Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured media" had taken place in the summers of 2005 (, 2010 ( and 2015 ( .